Eur J Musculoskel Dis 2018 Jan-Jun;7(1): 7-11



C. Salerno

Private Practice, Via Rossini 3, 80100, Naples, Italy
Correspondence to:
Carmen Salerno
Private Practice,
Via Rossini 3, 80100,
Naples, Italy


Received: 27 February, 2018
Accepted:  04  April,2018 © 2018

This publication and/or article is for individual use only and may not be further reproduced without written permission from the copyright holder. Unauthorized reproduction may result in financial and other penalties.

Disclosure: All authors report no conflicts of interest relevant to this article




Eating disorders (EDs) represent a group of multiple pathological conditions defined in psychiatric classifications as “severe mental illness”, which require specialized treatments with an integrated multidisciplinary approach due to their multifactorial origin. Nutrition and EDs are divided as follows: a) anorexia nervosa; b) bulimia nervosa; c) binge-eating disorder; d) avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder; e) rumination disorder; f) pica; g) other specific disorders of nutrition; h) unspecified nutrition and EDs. The qualitative and quantitative modifications of the food introduced daily also involve manifestations affecting the oral cavity. Consequently, an individual suffering from ED with an altered diet will have insufficient nutrition and compromised overall health. This work aims to provide a general view of EDs and the effects on oral health resulting from EDs.


KEYWORDS: food intake, weight, nutrition, eating disorders, oral health

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